Home-made: Hollywood

28 May - 25 June 2022

Sebastian Gladstone is pleased to announce Home-made, our inaugural exhibition in our Hollywood Location at 5523 Santa Monica Blvd. The show features work by Emmanuel Louisnord Desir, Timo Fahler, Savannah Claudia Levin, Magnus Maxine, Chad Murray, Alison Peery, Devin Reynolds, David Roy, Michelle Uckotter, Tristan Unrau, Bennet Schlesinger, Joe Speier, Christopher Suarez, Teresa Tolliver, Cynthia Talmadge, and Amia Yokoyama. The exhibition will open on Saturday, May 28th with an opening reception from 6-9pm, and run through Saturday, June 25th. Home-made will focus on artists working with materials and methods relatable to the homemade craft experience. Overall, Home-made hopes to examine the meaning of home, and the relationships developed around the idea of raw creation.

Each piece and featured discipline focuses on two important aspects of the show: the essence of home, and the fabrication of homemade practices, thus the creation of the title. Our first exhibition began in a home in Pasadena, while working with ceramics and curating in our living room. All works featured in the show exemplify the unembellished process of art, with paintings, stained glass, ceramics, sculpture, and more. Home-made seeks to encourage the art of craft-making and humble abodes, and highlights the appreciation of alternative methods and raw production.

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